ילדים ומשפחות

איתי ברגר

פרופ' איתי ברגר

Dr. Itai Berger
פרופ' עמית
תחומי מחקר עיקריים: נוירולוגיה של הילד, התפתחות הילד, נוירולוגיה נאונטלית, הפרעת קשב


קרא עוד


E-mail: itai.berger@mail.huji.ac.il

Higher Education

1985-1992                 M.D., (Faculty of Health Sciences, Ben-Gurion University of  

                                  the Negev, Beer-Sheva, Israel).      

1992-1993                 Internship, Shaare-Zedek Medical Center, Jerusalem, Israel  


1993-1998                 Residency in Pediatrics, Shaare-Zedek Medical Center,

                                  Jerusalem, Israel


1998-1999                 Fellowship in Pediatric Neurology, Children’s National Medical

                                  Center, Washington DC, USA                        


1999-2003                 Fellowship in Pediatric Neurology, Shaare Zedek, Medical    

                                  Center, Jerusalem, Israel

Since 2003                Specialist in Pediatrics

Since 2008                Specialist in Pediatric Neurology and Child Development


Appointments at the Hebrew University

   2007                  Lecturer, Faculty of Medicine, The Hebrew University of



   2014                   Senior Lecturer, Faculty of Medicine, The Hebrew University of   



2019                     Associate Professor (adjunct), School of Social Work and Social   

                             Welfare, The Hebrew University of  Jerusalem    


Additional Functions (at the Hebrew University within the Past Five Years)

University committee membership
2007-2018           Member, Ethics committee, School of Occupational Therapy 

                            Faculty of Medicine


2009-2018           Member, Academic committee, School of Occupational Therapy 

                            Faculty of Medicine                                   


2013-2018           Member, MD Thesis Committee (Vaadat Avodot Gmar)

                            Faculty of Medicine


2015                   Member, Steering Committee Israel Autism Center for Excellence     

                            (IACE), Faculty of Medicine                                


2015-2018       Member, Academic Committee, Autism Center, HUJI and Hadassah,    

                        Faculty of Medicine


2017               Member, Curriculum revision committee, School of Occupational    

                       Therapy, Faculty of Medicine

Centers Head

2012-2014       Head, the Neuro-Cognitive Center, Hadassah-Hebrew

                         University Medical Center


2014-2018        Head, Pediatric Neurology Unit and the Neuro-Cognitive Center,

                          Hadassah-Hebrew University Medical Center                      


2018-present     Head, Pediatric Neurology Service, Assuta Ashdod University Medical


National and international committees

2016-present   Member, The International Committee, The American Professional    

                        Society of ADHD and Related Disorders (APSARD)         

2012-present    Member, Behavioral Neurology Section, American Academy of                              Neurology                 

2010-2014        Member (Hadassah representative), The scientific council, IMA                              (Israel Medical Association)

2010-2016        Treasurer, The executive board of the ISPND (Israeli Society of  

                          Pediatric Neurology and Development)      

2015                 Member, Establishment Committee of The Israeli Society for ADHD,     

                         Israel Medical Association                                                   

2016-present    Co-Founder, Israel Forum of Neonatal Neurology (ISFNN)

                         Israel Medical Association

2016-present    Treasurer, The executive board of the Israeli ADHD Society (The                                 Israel Medical Association)              

2017                 Chairperson, Residency Accreditation Committee by the Scientific

                         Council, Israel Medical association (IMA) for: Adults day care Dept,

                         Women A Dept, and Adolescents B (Autism) Dept. Abarbanel Mental                          Health Center, Bat-Yam

2019                 Chairperson, Residency Accreditation Committee by the Scientific  

                         Council, Israel Medical association (IMA) for: Departments B, C, and                           D. Beer Yaakov-Ness Ziona Mental Health Center.

2020                 Chairperson, Residency Accreditation Committee by the Scientific  

                         Council, Israel Medical association (IMA) for: Pediatrics Dept,   

                         Barzilai Medical Center, Ashkelon


Research Grants (Within the Past Five Years)

2016                 Beyond Verbal, The Emotions Analytics Company. “Vocal Speech

                         Variability in ADHD Children Treated by Stimulants”. Berger I.

2017                  Inno-Sphere Ltd. “Non-invasive Brain Stimulation for Pediatric

                          ADHD”. Berger I.                                                   

2018                  HUJI International. “Cog-Fun treatment model for pediatric ADHD –

                          Continuing professional course development for foreign medical

                          professionals program”. Maeir A, Traub R, Berger I.

2018                  The Shalem fund support. “Growth and Development Course" - the

                           development and establishment of digitalized course for 2nd year

                           medical students, Faculty of Medicine, Hebrew University. Berger I.

2018                   The National Institute for psychobiology in Israel. “Neural correlates

                            and everyday manifestation of emotion dysregulation in youth with

                           ADHD”. Nahum M, Berger I.

2019                    Israel Innovation authority. Inno-Sphere Ltd and Assuta-Ashdod

                            Medical Center. “Clinical Trial for pediatric ADHD treatment by

                            tDCS/tRNS technology”. Berger I, Hochberg O.

2019                     The National Institute for Psychobiology in Israel.

                              “Neural correlates and everyday manifestation of emotion

                              dysregulation in youth with ADHD”. Extended 12 months. Nahum

                              M, Berger I.                     



List of Publication (Within the Past Five Years)

Books & Edited Books

Berger I, Remington A, Leitner Y, Leviton A: Editors. Brain Development and the Attention Spectrum (Frontiers E-Book). Frontiers Research Topic. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience. 2015. ISSN 1664-8714; ISBN 978-2-88919-533-6; DOI 10.3389/978-2-88919-533-6.

Berger I, Maeir A: Editors. ADHD – A transparent impairment, clinical, daily-life, and research aspects in diverse populations. Nova Science Publishers Inc. NewYork, 2014.


Chapters in Collections

Slobodin O, Berger I. In: ADHD – A transparent impairment, clinical, daily-life, and research aspects in diverse populations. Nova Science Publishers, Inc. New York. It takes a village to care for Attention-  Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder: Improving management collaboration between tertiary care centers and the community. pp: 1-15, 2014.

Berger I. In: ADHD – A transparent impairment, clinical, daily-life, and research aspects in diverse populations. Nova Science Publishers, Inc. New York. Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder among children with chronic diseases. pp: 133-151, 2014.

Ofek-Shlomai N, Berger I. In: Caring for the Newborn: A Comprehensive Guide for the Clinician. Nova Science Publishers, Inc. New York. Newborn Neurology. Pp: 207-228, 2014.

Ofek-Shlomai N, Berger I. In: Child Health and Human Development Yearbook 2016. Nova Science Publishers, Inc. New York. Neonatal Neurology.pp: 25-46, 2016.

Original Articles in Scientific Journals

Maeir A, Fisher O, Traub Bar-Ilan R, Boas N, Berger I, Landau YE. Effectiveness of Cognitive Functional (Cog-Fun) occupational therapy intervention for young children with ADHD: a controlled study. Am J Occup Ther. 68(3):260-267, 2014.

Berger I, Cassuto H. The effect of environmental distractors incorporation into a CPT on sustained attention and ADHD diagnosis among adolescents. J Neurosci Methods. 222:62-68, 2014.

Shany E, Meledin I, Gilat S, Yogev H, Golan A, Berger I. In and Ex utero maturation of premature infants electroencephalographic indices. Clin Neurophysiol. 125:270–276, 2014.

Wilschanski M, Abbassi M, Blanco E, Lindberg I, Yourshaw M, Zangen D, Berger I, Shteyer I, Pappo O, Martín MG, Elpeleg O. A Novel Familial Mutation in the PCSK1 Gene That Alters the Oxyanion Hole Residue of Proprotein Convertase 1/3 and Impairs Its Enzymatic Activity PLoS One. 2014 Oct 1;9(10):e108878.

Dubnov-Raz G, Khoury Z, Wright I, Raz R, Berger I. The effect of alpha-linolenic acid supplementation on ADHD symptoms in children: a randomized controlled double-blind study. Front Hum Neurosci. Oct 7;8:780, 2014.pages:1-6.

Grossman ES, Hoffman YS, Berger I, Zivotofsky AZ. Beating their chests: University students with ADHD demonstrate greater attentional abilities on an inattentional blindness paradigm. Neuropsychology. 2015 Nov;29(6):882-887.

Zach S, Inglis V, Fox O, Berger I, Stahl A. The effect of physical activity on spatial perception and attention in early childhood. Cogn Dev. 36:31-39, 2015. 

Shany E, Berger I, Karplus M, Gilat S, Benzaquen O, Yogev H, Shalev R. Do prenatal corticosteroids affect brain maturation? An Electroencephalography study. Clin EEG Neurosci. 2017 Mar;48(2):79-87.   

Hahn-Markowitz J, Berger I, Manor I, Maeir A. Impact of the Cognitive-Functional (Cog-Fun) intervention on executive functions and participation among children with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder: a     randomized controlled trial. Am J Occup Ther.                                               Sep/Oct 2017;71(5):7105220010p1-7105220010p9.  

Amichai T, Eylon S, Dor-Haim H, Berger I, Katz-Leurer M. Cardiac autonomic system response to submaximal test in children with cerebral       palsy. Pediatr Phys Ther. 29(2):125-128, 2017.

Berger I, Slobodin O, Cassuto H. Usefulness and validity of  continuous performance tests in the diagnosis of Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity       Disorder children. Arch Clin Neuropsychol. 32(1): 81-93, 2017.

Cohen-Israel M, Berger I, Martonovich EY, Klinger G, Stahl B, Linder N. Short- and long-term complications of in utero exposure to lamotrigine. Br J Clin Pharmacol. 84(1): 189-194, 2018.

Cohen-Cymberknoh M, Tanny T, Breuer O, Blau H, Kadosh D, Mussaffi H, Gartner S, Salinas A, Bentur L, Nir V, Gur M, Reiter J, Shoseyov D, Kerem E, Berger I. Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder symptoms in patients with cystic fibrosis. J of Cystic Fibrosis. 17(2): 281-285, 2018.

Hahn-Markowitz J, Berger I, Manor I, Maeir A. Cognitive-Functional (Cog-Fun) dyadic intervention for children with ADHD and their parents: impact on parenting self-efficacy. Phys Occup Ther Pediatr. 38(4):444-456, 2018.

Harel T, Quek DQY, Wong BH, Cazenave-Gassiot A, Wenk MR, Fan H, Berger I, Shmueli D, Shaag A, Silver DL, Elpeleg O, Edvardson S. Homozygous mutation in MFSD2A, encoding a lysolipid transporter for docosahexanoic acid, is associated with microcephaly and hypomyelination. Neurogenetics. 19(4):227-235, 2018.

Slobodin O, Cassuto H, Berger I. Age-related changes in distractibility: Developmental trajectory of sustained attention in ADHD. J Atten Disord. 2018 Dec;22(14):1333-1343.

Amichai T, Eylon S, Berger I, Katz-Leurer M. The impact of breathing rate on the cardiac autonomic dynamics among children with cerebral palsy compared to typically developed controls. Developmental       Neurorehabilitation. 2019 Feb;22(2):98-103.

Goffer A, Cohen M, Berger I, Maeir A. Beyond academic outcomes: Occupational profile and quality of life among college students with and without ADHD. Br J Occup Therapy. 2019, Vol. 82(3) 170–178.

Kalig-Amir M, Berger I, Rigbi A, Bar-Shalita T. An exploratory study of parent-child association in sensory modulation disorder involving ADHD-related symptoms. Pediatric Research. 86(2):221-226, 2019.

Hahn-Markowitz J, Berger I, Manor I, Maeir A. Efficacy of Cognitive-Functional (Cog-Fun) occupational therapy intervention among children with ADHD: An RCT. J Atten Disord. 2020 Mar;24(5):655-666.

Peled J, Cassuto H, Berger I. Processing speed as a marker to stimulant effect in clinical sample of children with high functioning Autism Spectrum Disorder. Nordic Journal of Psychiatry. 74(3):163-167, 2020.

Slobodin O, Blankers M, Kapitány-Fövény M, Kaye S, Berger I, Johnson B, Demetrovics Z, van der Brink W, van de Glind G. Differential diagnosis inpatients with substance use disorder and/or attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder using CP. European Addiction Research. 26:151-161, 2020.

Choshen-Hillel S, Ishqer A, Mahameed F, Reiter J, Gozal D, Gileles-Hillel A, Berger I. Acute and chronic sleep deprivation in residents – cognition and stress biomarkers. Medical Education – accepted for publication.

 Berger I, Dakwar-Kawar O, Grossman ES, Nahum M, Cohen Kadosh R. Scaffolding the Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder Brain Using Transcranial Direct Current and Random Noise Stimulation: a Randomized Controlled Trial. Clinical Neurophysiology; 132:699-707, 2021.

 Gillentine MA, Wang T, ……Berger I,………….Eichler EE (97 authors). Rare deleterious mutations of HNRNP genes result in shared neurodevelopmental disorders. Genome Medicine; 13(1):63, 2021. doi: 10.1186/s13073-021-00870-6.

 Damari E, Farfel A. Berger I, Ron R, Yeshayahu Y. Pediatric residents' perception of medical education, general wellness and patient care following the shortening of shifts during the COVID-19 pandemic. Israel Medical Association Journal; 23:214-218, 2021.

 Lavi E, Maree A, Eisenstein EM, Wexler I, Berger I#, Berkun Y#. (#Equal contribution). Increased prevalence of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder symptomatology in patients with Familial Mediterranean Fever. Modern Rheumatology – accepted for publication.
Editorials and reviews

Ofek-Shlomai N, Berger I. Inflammatory injury to the neonatal brain - what can we do? Front Pediatr. Apr 9;2:30, 2014.

Haimov-Kochman R, Berger I. Cognitive functions of regularly cycling women may differ throughout the month, depending on sex hormone status; A possible explanation to conflicting results of studies of ADHD in females.  Front Hum Neurosci. Apr 1; 8:191, 2014.

Berger I, Remington A, Leitner Y, Leviton A. Brain Development and the attention spectrum (Editorial). Front Hum Neurosci. Feb 5;9:23, 2015.pages: 1-2.

Ofek-Shlomai N, Berger I. Neonatal neurology. Int J Child Health Hum Dev. 9(1):23-38, 2016. (Open Access).

קראו פחות

פרופ' מוחמד חאג'-יחיא

Prof. Muhammad Haj-Yahia
פרופ' מן המניין
מחזיק בקתדרה לעבודה סוציאלית על שם גורדון בראון
חדר 504
תחומי מחקר עיקריים: אלימות נגד נשים; השלכות לטווח ארוך של חשיפת ילדים ומבוגרים לאלימות במשפחה, לאלימות בקהילה, ולאלימות פוליטת: משתני חוסן והגנה; זוגיות והורות בצל חשיפה לאלימות בקהילה ולאלימות פוליטית; ההקשר הסוצו-תרבותי וסוציו-פוליטי של אלימות במשפחה

פרופ' דפנה טנר

Prof. Dafna Tener
ראשת תוכנית הבוגר ותוכנית ההשלמות למוסמך
פרופ' מן המניין
חדר 532
תחומי מחקר עיקריים: פגיעות מיניות בילדים ובבני נוער, פגיעות מיניות בין אחים, פגיעות מיניות בקבוצת השווים, פגיעות מיניות בחברות סגורות, שיתוף פעולה פרקטיקה ומחקר