סיווג אנשי סגל


פרופ' בן שחר

Prof. Ben Shahar
פרופ' חבר
חדר 525
תחומי מחקר עיקריים: חקירת היעילות של טיפול ממוקד רגשות (EFT) בחרדה חברתית, טראומה, דיכאון, טיפול זוגי, וביקורת עצמית גבוהה, וחקירת מנגנוני שינוי המתרחשים במהלך הטיפול.
שירן טייב אלמקיאס
מיאדה קרגוולי

ד"ר מילי מאסס

Dr. Mili Mass


קרא עוד
Academic Profile: 

Ph. D. 1983, Univ. of Calif., Berkeley; Sen. Teacher 1983; Emerita 1997.


Research Interests:

Child welfare issues from the clinical, societal and legal aspects.


Research Projects:

The politics of parenting.

I. Documentation and analysis of court procedures in non-consnesaul adoption.

II. Analysis of trends and direction in the politics of parenting in Israel.

Recent Publications:
Mass, M. (2000) On the link between academia and the practice of social work. Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour, V. 30, 1:99-125.

Nijnatten, C.v, Boesveldt, N., Schilperoord, A  & Mass, M. (2001) The construction of parental authority and coopertaion in reports to the Dutch Court, International Journal of Sociology of Law29:237-252.

Mass, M (2004) “Their borders” – “our obligation” on authority and responsibility of social workers in the area of parent-child relationshiop. (in Hebrew), Megamot, 43, 3: 566-576. 

Mass, M. On state intervention in the relation of children with their parents: The case of adoption due to "parental lack of capability". (in Hebrew) Moznei Mishpat, 2005, 4: 589.

Mass, M. & Nijnattern, C. V. Child protection and the conception of parental responsibility. American Journal of Orthopsychiatry. 2005. 75: 220.

Mass, M. & Ophir, A. Care, supervision and abandonment – on non-consensual and confidential Adoption. (in Hebrew) Iyunei Mishpat. 2006, 29:257.

Mass, M. "Parental capability" – "parental instinct" or "survival instinct". (exert testimonies) (in Hebrew). in press: Issues in Psychology, Medicine and the Law.


Milli Mass's site at the Research and Development Authority


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