סיווג אנשי סגל


ד"ר שבתאי לויט

Dr. Shabtay Levit
מרצה במסלול הנלווה


קרא עוד

Shabtay Levit (PhD.; M.S.W)

E-mail: shabtaylevit284@gmail.com


Higher Education

2004-2010       Ph.D., Social Work (Hebrew University in Jerusalem, Israel).

1995-1999       M.A., Social Work (Research, Direct Clinical program) (Hebrew University in Jerusalem, Israel).

1980-1985       B.A., Judaism Studies and Education (Teaching Certificate) (Hebrew University in Jerusalem, Israel).


Awards and Excellence Scholarships (Within the Past Five Years)


1995                "Amit Ashalim" prize for at-risk children.

2007                Shulamit Yusifovitch prize for outstanding PhD students.

2009                Travel Award for research presentation, National Institute on Drug Abuse, College on Problems of Drug Dependence.

2010                Travel Award for research presentation, National Institute on Drug Abuse, College on Problems of Drug Dependence.



Appointments at the Hebrew University

2013-2015         Teaching Fellow, School of Social Work and Social Welfare, Hebrew University, Jerusalem, Israel.

2007-2013         External Teacher, School of Social Work and Social Welfare, Hebrew University, Jerusalem, Israel.

1997-1999         Teaching Assistant, School of Social Work and Social Welfare, Hebrew University, Jerusalem, Israel.



Additional Functions (Within the Past Five Years)


Board of directors' membership, HADARIM association (Parental guidance and parenting skills development).


Training course for instructors in social work.


Advanced three-year training program in psychotherapy, Psychoanalytic Institution, Jerusalem.


External teacher, School of Social Work, University of Ariel.


Research Grants (Within the Past Five Years)

2007-2009                   Public Health Association, "Connection between Addicts Characteristics in the Beginning of Treatment, Process Variables – Methadone Dosage, Social Network Support, Doctor and Social Worker Therapeutic Alliance, and between Outcome Variables – Persistence Rate, Abstinence Rate from Opiates and Risk Behaviors, During the First Year of Treatment", 50,000 shekels.

1995                            Israel Authority for Prevention of Drug Abuse, "Connection between Social and Demographic characteristics and Success in Rehab and Methadone treatments", 5,000 shekels.

1994                            Israel Authority for Prevention of Drug Abuse, "Follow-up on Dropouts from Prevention Programs: the Connection between Social and Demographic characteristics and Success in Rehab and Methadone treatments", 5,000 shekels.





List of Publication (Within the Past Five Years)

Books & Edited Books

Levit, S. (2010). Connection between Addicts Characteristics in the Beginning of Treatment, Process Variables – Methadone Dosage, Social Network Support, Doctor and Social Worker Therapeutic Alliance, and between Outcome Variables – Persistence Rate, Abstinence Rate from Opiates and Risk Behaviors, During the First Year of Treatment. Jerusalem: Hebrew University.


Chapters in Collections

Levit, S. (1995). Parenting support system for an addict mother, whose daughter is in an out-of-home placement. In: N. Barr (Ed.) Above and beyond: What else is possible for at-risk children (pp. 78-95). Ashalim, Jerusalem.

Levit, S. & Ben-Levi, A. (1999). Connection between Social and Demographic characteristics and Success in Rehab and Methadone treatments. In: R. Hamburger (Ed.) Ten years of drug-related research: 1988-1998 (pp. 117). Israel Authority for Prevention of Drug Abuse, Jerusalem.

Levit, S., Ben-Levi, A. & Galkoph, M. (2002). Methadone treatment and agonists therapy. In: M. Hovav (Ed.) Treatment and rehabilitation of drug victims in Israel: Development, status and issues (pp. 75-88). Cherikover, Tel Aviv.

Levit, S. & Schiff, M. (2008). Built-in difficulties with drug addicts treatment in Israel. In: H. Mel, M. Hovav & M. Golan (Eds.) Addictions, Violence and sex offenses in light of the law (pp. 79-93). Carmel, Jerusalem.

Mahell, H., Levi, A., Levit, S. & Shem-Tov, D. (2008). Leaving no one behind: How the system handles homeless addicts. In: H. Mel, M. Hovav & M. Golan (Eds.) Addictions, Violence and sex offenses in light of the law. Carmel, Jerusalem.

Shem-Tov, D., Levit, S., Mahell, H., Margollis, A., Levi, A. & Leventhall, A. (2008). Clean inject: The Israeli attempt of syringe replacement and prevention of infectious diseases. In: H. Mel, M. Hovav & M. Golan (Eds.) Addictions, Violence and sex offenses in light of the law. Carmel, Jerusalem.

Schiff, M. & Levit, S. (2010). Trauma and posttraumatic stress disorder among female clients in methadone maintenance treatment in Israel. In: Morell (Ed.), Evaluation in the Face of Uncertainty (pp. 263-269). New York: Guilford.


Journal Articles

Bell, J., Dru, A., Fischer, B., Levit, S., & Sarfraz, M. A. (2002). Substitution therapy for heroin addiction. Substance Use & Misuse, 37(8-10), 1149-1178.

Cohen-Moreno, R., Schiff, M., Levit, S., Bar-Hamburger, R., Strauss, S. & Neumark, Y. (2010). Knowledge about Hepatitis-C among methadone maintenance treatment patients in Israel. Substance Use & Misuse, 45(1-2), 58-76.

Gelkopf, M., Levit, S., & Bleich, A. (2002). An integration of three approaches to addiction and methadone maintenance treatment: The self-medication hypothesis, the disease model, and social criticism. The Israel Journal of Psychiatry and Related Sciences, 39(2), 140-151.

Malnick, S. D., Sheidvasser, V., Basevitz, A. & Levit, S. (2009). A Model for treating HCV Hepatitis in patients receiving methadone maintenance therapy. Gastroenterology, 136(5), A831-A831.

Malnick, S. D., Sheidvasser, V., Basevitz, A. & Levit, S. (2014) A model for treating HCV Hepatitis in patients receiving methadone maintenance therapy. Israel Journal of Psychiatry, 51(4), 303-306.

Massini, G., & Levit, S. (1998). Use of a constraint satisfaction network model for the evaluation of the methadone treatments of drug addicts. Substance Use & Misuse, 33(3), 625-656.

Morse, D. S., Schiff, M., Levit, S., Cohen-Moreno, R. & Neumark, Y. (2009). Using motivatioanl enhancement to reduce barriers for Hepatitis-C virus treatment among individual in Israeli methadone clinics. Journal of General Internal Medicine, 24, 210-211.

Morse, D. S., Schiff, M., Levit, S., Cohen-Moreno, R., Williams, G. C. & Neumark, Y. (2012). A pilot training program for a motivational enhancement approach to Hepatitis C virus treatment among individuals in Israeli methadone treatment centers. Substance Use & Misuse, 47(1), 56-66.

Ornoy, A., Daka, L., Goldzweig, G., Gil, Y., Mjen, L., Levit, S., et al. (2010). Neurodevelopmental and psychological assessment of adolescents born to drug-addicted parents: Effects of SES and adoption. Child Abuse & Neglect, 34(5), 354-368.

Schiff, M., Levit, S., & Cohen-Moreno, R. (2007). Retention and illicit drug use among methadone patients in Israel: A gender comparison. Addictive Behaviors, 32, 2108-2119.

Schiff, M., Levit, S., Cohen-Moreno, R., Gomel, M., Glazer, N., & Hass, N. (2009). The contribution of "adjustment groups" in methadone clinics in reducing the social exclusion of their clients. Social Security, 80, 103-127 (HEBREW).

Schiff, M. & Levit, S. (2010). Correlates of therapeutic alliance and treatment outcomes among Israeli female methadone patients. Research on Social Work Practice, 20(4), 380-390.    

Schiff, M., Levit, S. & Cohen-Moreno, R. (2010). Childhood sexual abuse, posttraumatic stress    disorder and use of heroin among female clients in Israeli methadone maintenance treatment programs (MMTPs). Social Work in Health Care, 49(9), 799-813.  

Schiff, M., Levit, S., Schori, M. & Lawental, E. (2011). Anxiety symptoms and need for help among Israeli methadone patients in a war zone. Journal of Loss & Trauma, 16(2), 135-149.

Shor R. & Levit S. (2012). Persons with drug addiction as knowledge providers: Their contribution to social work education. Journal of Teaching in Social Work, 32(2), 190-203.


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