Michal Almog-Bar
E-mail: Michal.bar@mail.huji.ac.il
Higher Education
2006 - 2007 Post doc, School of Management & The Israeli Center for Third Sector Research, Ben Gurion University.
2000 - 2007 Ph.D. The Hebrew University of Jerusalem.
1997 - 1999 M.A. J. Schwartz Graduate Program for Directors of Community and Nonprofit Organizations, and Public Policy, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem.
1995 - 1997 B.A. in Social Work, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Appointments at the Hebrew University
2019 Associate Professor, School of Social Work, The Hebrew University
2014 - 2018 Senior Lecturer, School of Social Work, The Hebrew University
2008 - 2013 Lecturer, School of Social Work, The Hebrew University
Additional Functions (Within the Past Five Years)
2020 - Editorial Board member, journal of Human Service Organizations: Management,
Leadership & Governance.
2019 - present Area Editor of Civil Society (Associate Editor), Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly.
2016 - present Editorial board member, Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly (JCR 5 years Impact factor 2.916, ranked at Q1 in "Social Issues").
2015 -2019 Head of the Research committee, School of Social Work and Social Welfare.
2014 -2018 Board member, Lafer Center for Women and Gender Studies, Hebrew University of Jerusalem.
2014- present Director, The Center for the Study of Civil Society and Philanthropy in Israel, School of Social Work and Social Welfare, Hebrew University of Jerusalem.
Research Grants (Within the Past Five Years)
2020-2021 Rothchild Foundation, “Mergers in Israeli Civil Society”, 100,000 IS, with Prof.
Hillel Schmid and Dr. Itay Greenspan.
2019-2021 Israel Science Foundation, "Women, social work and helping professionals in
nonprofit social service organizations: The intersection of gender, privatization and
civil society", 244,000 IS, with Prof. Mimi Ajzenstadt and Dr. Michal Soffer.
2019-2020 The Israeli Volunteering Network, "Civic engagement and volunteering in
Israel", 200,000 IS.
2019-2020 The Arison Foundation, “Inter-generational transfer of civic engagement and volunteering behavior", 100,000 IS, with Prof. Hillel Schmid.
2018 The Israeli Volunteering Network, "Civic engagement and volunteering in
Israel", 400,000 IS.
2016-2017 Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada, "Living in a world
of blurring sectoral boundaries: organizational Hybridity, cross-sectoral relationship, and network governance", 100,000 IS, with Prof. Agnes Meinhard and Prof. Wenjue Knutsen,.
2015-2016 Israel Science Foundation, "Civil Society in the age of New Public Governance:
Cross- National examination", 75,000 IS, with Prof. Mimi Ajzenstadt.
2015-2017 The Israel National Institute for Health Policy Research (NIHP), "Civil society organizations providing health services and their relations with
government", 190,000 IS, with Dr. Michal Soffer.
2015-2016 The Leonard Davis Institute for International Relations, "Gender and Civil
Society", 60,000 IS, with Prof. Mimi Ajzenstadt and Prof. John Gal.
List of Publications (Within the Past Five Years)
Chapters in Collections
Almog-Bar, M. (Forthcoming). Civil Society organizations in collaborative governance: Cross-sector partnerships as a test case. In: Sher- Hadar, N. & Lahat, L. (Eds.). Collaborative Governance: Theory and Issues from Israel. New York: Palgrave.
Almog-Bar, M. (Forthcoming). Israeli organized Civil Society: Trends and challenges of the Nonprofit Sector. In: Ben-Porat, G. Fild, D., Mirski, J. Feniger, Y. & Kabalo, P. (Eds.). Routledge Handbook on Contemporary Israel. London: Routledge.
Journal ArticlesAlmog-Bar, M., Weiss-Gal, I. & Gal, J. (2015). Bringing public policy into policy practice. Journal of Social Work 15(4), 390-408.
Almog-Bar, M. & Ajzenstadt, M. (2015). "You feel you hit a wall and then you have no choice but to form an association": Characteristics of grassroots organizations providing welfare services in civil society. Social Security (Bitachon Soziali), 98, 97-128. (Hebrew).
Schmid, H. & Almog-Bar, M. (2016). Correlates of cross-sector partnership in the human services: Implications for policy and practice. Human Service Organizations: Management, Leadership & Governance, 40, 238-252.
Schmid, H. & Almog-Bar, M. (2016). Cross-sector partnerships in the human services: an international perspective. Human Service Organizations Management, Leadership & Governance 40(3), 188 -193.
Almog-Bar, M. (2016). Policy initiatives towards the nonprofit Sector: Insights from the Israeli case. Nonprofit Policy Forum 7(2), 237-256.
Almog-Bar, M. & Young, D. (2016). Policy towards nonprofits in international perspective: Current trends and their implications for theory and practice. Nonprofit Policy Forum 7(2), 85-95.
Sofer, M. & Almog-Bar, M. (2016). Therapy or human right? The meaning of recreation for children and youth with disabilities in the "Krembo Wings" youth movement. Disability and Health Journal 9(3), 399-405.
Almog-Bar, M. (2017). Civil society and nonprofits in the age of New Public Governance: Current trends and their implications for theory and practice. Nonprofit Policy Forum 8(4), 342-351.
Almog-Bar, M. (2017). Insider status and outsider tactics: Advocacy tactics of human service nonprofits in the Age of New Public Governance. Nonprofit Policy Forum 8(4), 411-428.
Almog-Bar, M. & Schmid, H. (2018). Cross-sector partnerships in human services: Insights and organizational dilemmas. Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly 47(4), 119-138.
Livnat, I. & Almog-Bar, M. (2018). "Lots of freedom, but also a lot of mess and lack of knowledge": The employment experience of women mid-level managers in Third Sector organizations. Society and Welfare, 67-96. (Hebrew).
Almog-Bar, M. & Livnat, I. (2019). Between the sticky floor and the glass ceiling: Employment of women as mid-level managers in Israeli nonprofit organizations. Israel Affairs 25(3), 467-487.
Almog-Bar, M., Cnaan, R., Pitowski-Nave, N., & Tury, K. (2020). Israeli peace nonprofits promoting social good: Characteristics of active and inactive organizations. Research on Social Work Practice, 30(2), 246-255.
Schmid, H. & Almog-Bar, M. (2020). The critical role of the initial stages of cross-sector partnerships and their implications for partnerships’ outcomes. Voluntas 31, 286 - 300.
Schmid, H. & Almog-Bar, M. (2020(. A tribute to Yeheskel “Zeke” Hasenfeld: Theoretical legacy and contribution to human service organizations and management. Human Service Organizations: Management, Leadership & Governance, 44(2), 97-109.
Pitowski-Nave, N., Almog-Bar, M. & Schmid, H. (2020). Collaborations between businesses and nonprofits as part of corporate social responsibility. The Study of Organizations and Human Resource Management Quarterly 79-102. (Hebrew).