Zur Hana
E-mail: hanaz@mail.huji.ac.il
Higher Education
2002 Ph.D., (Early childhood, Social Work, Hebrew University, Jerusalem, Israel)
1992 M.A., (Social Work, Hebrew University, Jerusalem, Israel)
1974 B.A., (Social Work, Tel-Aviv University, Israel)
Appointments at the Hebrew University
2010-2017 Senior teacher, The Hebrew University, School of Social Work, the
Graduate Program in Early Childhood and the under graduate program.
1997-2010 Teacher in the Hebrew University, School of Social Work, the "Swartz
Program", Graduate Program in Early Childhood. And the undergraduate
Additional Functions
Teaching courses in the graduate program, The Hebrew University, School of Social Work:
a) Learning to live together: Violence prevention in early childhood
b) Counseling and intervention in stress and trauma in early childhood
Head of professional developing module of working with traumatized children in day care setting- Collaboration of Ministry of welfare and JDC - Ashalim
Training and teaching CPP therapist, in "Haruv" Institute, Jerusalem.
Supervising in the Tel-Aviv sexual assault crisis center
Private Clinique.
List of Publication (Within the Past Five Years)
Books & Edited Books (in Hebrew)
Zur ,H.( 2014) Supervision In Day- Care Setting. Tel-Aviv: Meah
Rosenthal, M.K., Gat, L., & Zur H. (2008). No One is born Violent: The Social and Emotional Life of Little Children. Tel- Aviv: Hakibbutz Hameuchad, Kav Adom
Journal Articles
Khoury-Kassabri, M., & Attar- Schwartz, S., & Zur, H. (2014). The likelihood of using corporal punishment by kindergarten teachers: The role of parent-teacher partnership, attitudes, and religiosity. Child Indicators Research. 0.958; 31/89 (Social Science, Interdisciplinary).
Khoury-Kassabri, M., & Attar- Schwartz, S., & Zur, H. (2014). Understanding the mediating role of corporal punishment in the association between maternal stress, efficacy, co-parenting and children's adjustment difficulties among Arab mothers. Child Abuse & Neglect.