פרופ' אהרון רוזן

Prof. Aaron Rosen


Academic Profile: 

Ph.D. 1963, Univ. of Michigan; Assoc. Prof. 1967; Prof. 1970; The Zena Harman Professor Emeritus of Social Work, the Paul Baerwald School of Social Work, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israe 1996.


Research Interests:

Systematic Planned Practice (SPP) and clinical decision making

 Formulation of Practice Guidelines for Social Work

 Implementation of Evidence-Based Practice (EBP) by social workers.

Research Projects:
Utilization of research and theory by practitioners: barriers and facilitating factors.

Interventive strategies and outcomes in direct practice: components and evaluation. Funding: The Warburg Fund for Research and Innovation in Social Work Practice.

Social workers' strategies for testing clinical hypotheses.

Targets of change and interventive methods in social work: An empirically based prototype for developing practice guidelines.


Abstracts of Current Research :

Targets of change and interventive methods in social work:An empirically based prototype for developing practice guidelines: Empirically-based practice guidelines for social work intervention are needed. Practice guidelines must include two fundamental components: (1) a classification of the targets (outcomes) of intervention; and (2) for each of the targets, an array of alternative interventions from which to select the nest fit. The research is based on the outcomes and interventions that were investigated in published social work studies of effectiveness over the past several years. Both theoretical and empirical procedures will be utilized to classify outcomes into target categories and derive the intervention alternatives whose effectiveness was assessed in relation to the outcomes. The classifications to be obtained will be used as a prototype for further development and testing of practice guidelines.


Recent Publications:

Zeira, A. & Rosen, A. (2000).  Unraveling “tacit knowledge”: What social workers do and why they do it. Social Service Review74, 103-123. 

Rosen, A., & Proctor, E. K. (2002). Standards for evidence-based practice: The role of replicable and appropriate interventions, outcomes, and practice guidelines. In A. R. Roberts & G. J. Greene (Eds.), Social Workers’ Desk Reference (SWDR) (pp. 743-747). New York: OxfordUniversity Press.

Osmo, R., & Rosen, A. (2002). Social workers’ strategies for treatment hypothesis testing. Social Work Research26, 9-18.   

Proctor, E. K., Rosen, A., & Rhee, C. W. (2002). Outcomes in social work practice. Journal of Social Work Research and Evaluation, 3 (No. 2), 1-17. 

Rosen, A. & Proctor, E. K. (Eds.) (2003). Developing Practice Guidelines for Social Work Interventions: Issues, Methods, and Research Agenda. New York: ColumbiaUniversityPress. 

Proctor, E. K., & Rosen, A. (2003). The structure and function of social work practice guidelines, in A. Rosen & E. K. Proctor (Eds.), Developing Practice Guidelines for Social Work Interventions: Issues, Methods, and research agenda(pp. 108 - 127). New York: ColumbiaUniversityPress. 

Proctor, E.  K., & Rosen, A. (2003).  Advancing the development of social work practice guidelines, in A. Rosen & E. K. Proctor (Eds.), Developing Practice Guidelines for Social Work Interventions: Issues, Methods, and research agenda(pp. 271- 289). New York: ColumbiaUniversityPress. 

Rosen, A., & Proctor, E. K. (2003). Practice guidelines and meeting the challenge of effective practice, in A. Rosen & E. K. Proctor (Eds.), Developing Practice Guidelines for Social Work Interventions: Issues, Methods, and research agenda (pp. 1 - 14). New York: ColumbiaUniversityPress.

Rosen, A., Proctor, E. K., & Staudt, M. (2003). Targets of change and interventions in social work: An empirically based prototype for developing practice guidelines. Research on Social Work Practice13, 208-233.  

Rosen, A. (2003). Evidence-based social work practice: Challenges and promise. Social Work Research27, 197-208.  

Proctor, E. K., & Rosen, A. (2004). Concise standards for developing evidence-based practice guidelines. In A. R. Roberts and K. R. Yeager (Eds.) Evidence-Based Practice Manual: Research and Outcome Measures in Health and Human Services (pp.193-199). New York: OxfordUniversityPress.

Aaron Rosen's site at the Research and Development Authority