פרופ' יונה רוזנפלד ז"ל

רוזנפלד ז"ל
Prof. Jona Rosenfeld


Academic Profile: 

Certificate in Soc. Science, 1947, Certificate in Mental Health, 1948, LondonSchoolof Economics;

BA 1954 Sociology/Education, HebrewUniversity; Ph.D. 1962, Univ.of Chicago;

Sen. Teacher 1961; Sen. Lect. 1967; Assoc. Prof. 1973; Prof. 1986; Emeritus 1991.


Research Interests:

Social work practice: Partnership with families and service organizations

 Extreme poverty and the Fourth WorldMovement

Children living in neglect and their families.

Learning from Success as a mode of identifying professional practices and organizational structures which are user-friendly 
Nurses in Maternity and ChildCentersand their contribution to "good enough" parenting.  How to Introduce Ongoing Learning into Schools:  A Program with the Ministry of Education in 55 High Schools

Research Projects:

"Evaluating the Impact of Organizational Learning and Knowledge Management on Social Service Effectiveness"withUniversityof North Carolina, Chapel Hill.

"Learning from Success:  Transforming Schools into Learning Organizations" with the Ministry of Education.


Abstracts of Current Research :
Learning from success: impact of user-friendly practices in the area of child and family services on policy and organizational structures. The first phase of this project is based on multiple descriptive studies of effective modes of practice offered to erstwhile inaptly served families with children. The next phase is to document practices which have been identified as effective and user-friendly with a view of disseminating them as well as deriving from them policies and organizational structures needed to fashion practice-friendly organizations.

How to Turn "Learning from Success" into a Leverage for the Development of School Learning.  Evaluation of the Program.  Development of three interrelated methods

1.     retrospective: learning from success

2.       ongoing: learning on how schools learn

3.       prospective: posing and developing practices related to learning questions

Evaluating the Impact of Organizational Learning and Knowledge Management on Social Service Effectiveness.  The focus is on developing assessment tools for learning – modes employed, in order to identify those which are favorable for ongoing learning and knowledge management in after-school programs in either or both North Carolinaand Israel


Recent Publications:

“Response to the Article: ‘The Routine of Work with Deeply Distressed Families in the Social Services:  Baselines for Professional Discussion” (with IsraelSykes), in Society and Welfare, vol. 22, No. 2, pp. 223-7, June 2002 (Hebrew).

Social Justice, its Expression and Realization in our Lives,” Hadea Harovahat, vol. 32, September 2002 (Hebrew).

From Patronization to Joint Learning:  The Way of Escaping Life in Poverty and Exclusion,” in Marathonof Responses and Suggestions for Changes in 2003 Economic Program, N. Zion(ed.), vol. 3, 2003 (Hebrew).

The Contribution of the Schoolof Social Workto the Delivery of Social Services that Contribute to their Users,” inAcademic Social Work Education in Israel:  Past, Present and Future, U. Aviram (ed.), Tel-Aviv:  Cherikover Publishers, 2003.

"Learning from Success:  The Retrospective Method" (with IsraelSykes).  Myers-JDC-Brookdale Institute, September 2004.

Jona Rosenfeld's site at the Research and Development Authority