פרופ' יוסי תמיר

יוסי תמיר
Prof. Joseph Tamir


Academic Profile: 

M.A. - economics, Hebrew University 1973, L.L.B.Hebrew University 1978; M.P.A. Harvard University 1990, Prof. (adjunct) 2000


Research Interests:

Social security systems - poverty and social inequality, Welfare policy and economics, Modes of cooperation between governmental and non-governmental agencies.


Research Projects:

The economy of children's well-being;

Political and economic constraints of the welfare state


Abstracts of Current Research :

The Social Time Bomb: The Economics and Politics of Welfare Policy in Israel

The study examines welfare policy in Israel, analyzes recent trends and changes as well as focusing on future directions. The study presents the economic, social, and political rationale for Israel's welfare policy, as well as the interests, political forces, and constraints that play a role in shaping the Israeli welfare system.

The economy of children's well being
This study focuses on the relative costs of children in society and examines their economic contribution to family and society. The study attempts to define and measure the direct and indirect income of children, and analyzes these factors by gender, age, and other characteristics.


Recent Publications:

Tamir Y., Avni-Melech, M. (2002) The Social Time Bomb: The Economics and Politics of Welfare Policy in Israel; Kibbutz Hameuhad Publishers