ד"ר מילי מאסס

Dr. Mili Mass


Academic Profile: 

Ph. D. 1983, Univ. of Calif., Berkeley; Sen. Teacher 1983; Emerita 1997.


Research Interests:

Child welfare issues from the clinical, societal and legal aspects.


Research Projects:

The politics of parenting.

I. Documentation and analysis of court procedures in non-consnesaul adoption.

II. Analysis of trends and direction in the politics of parenting in Israel.

Recent Publications:
Mass, M. (2000) On the link between academia and the practice of social work. Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour, V. 30, 1:99-125.

Nijnatten, C.v, Boesveldt, N., Schilperoord, A  & Mass, M. (2001) The construction of parental authority and coopertaion in reports to the Dutch Court, International Journal of Sociology of Law29:237-252.

Mass, M (2004) “Their borders” – “our obligation” on authority and responsibility of social workers in the area of parent-child relationshiop. (in Hebrew), Megamot, 43, 3: 566-576. 

Mass, M. On state intervention in the relation of children with their parents: The case of adoption due to "parental lack of capability". (in Hebrew) Moznei Mishpat, 2005, 4: 589.

Mass, M. & Nijnattern, C. V. Child protection and the conception of parental responsibility. American Journal of Orthopsychiatry. 2005. 75: 220.

Mass, M. & Ophir, A. Care, supervision and abandonment – on non-consensual and confidential Adoption. (in Hebrew) Iyunei Mishpat. 2006, 29:257.

Mass, M. "Parental capability" – "parental instinct" or "survival instinct". (exert testimonies) (in Hebrew). in press: Issues in Psychology, Medicine and the Law.


Milli Mass's site at the Research and Development Authority