מר מנחם בירנבוים

Mr Menachem Birnbaum

Birnbaum Menachem

E-mail: Menachem.birnbaum@mail.huji.c.il

Higher Education

1981-1986       M.A. (with honors) (school of social work and social welfare,
                         Hebrew University, Israel)

1972-1975       B.A., (Sociology, Social Science Faculty, The Hebrew University, Israel)


Appointments at the Hebrew University

September 2016      retired

1989-2016       Teacher – Lecturer (parallel track)

1985-1988    social work school computer coordinator


List of Publication (Within the Past Five Years)

Journal Articles

Strauss, E., Bargal, D., Birnbaum, M. (2019). Social workers’ attitudes towards self help groups Society & Welfare 39, 309-340(Hebrew).