Cory Shulman
Electronic mail: cory.shulman@mail.huji.ac.il
Higher Education
1995-1997 Postdoctoral fellow (School of Medicine, University of Chicago, USA)
1991-1995 Ph.D. (Psychology, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel).
1977-1979 M.S. (Special Education, Northeastern Illinois University, USA).
1973-1976 B.A. (Psychology and Education, Pitzer College, USA).
Appointments at the Hebrew University
2011- Assistant Professor, Paul Baerwald School of Social Work, Schwartz Graduate
Program in Early Childhood Studies
2003-2011 Senior Lecturer, Paul Baerwald School of Social Work, Schwartz Graduate
Program in Early Childhood Studies
1998-2003 Lecturer, Paul Baerwald School of Social Work, Graduate
Program in Early Childhood Studies
1997-1998 Fellow Lecturer, Paul Baerwald School of Social Work, Graduate
Program in Early Childhood Studies
Additional Functions at the Hebrew University (within the past five years)
2019 - Scientific Advisor for the Ministry of Welfare and Social Services,
Disabilities Administration.
2019 - Advisor Emory University Autism Center for fidelity criteria for
ADOS administrations.
2018- Advisor to Dean of Students, for students with autism studying at the
Hebrew University.
2018 - Academic advisory committee for Autism Center of the Negev,
Ben Gurion University of the Negev.
2018 - Participant on the national standards committee for assessing
and diagnosing adults with autism spectrum disorder. Ministry of Health
2018-2020 Reviewer of submissions for International Society for
Autism Research (INSAR) annual meetings.
2016 -2017 Reviewer of submissions for American Speech and Hearing
Association annual meetings.
2015- Director of the Interdisciplinary Autism Research Center of the
Hebrew University.
2015- Trainer for the use of Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule (ADOS),
and the Autism Diagnostic Interview – Revised (ADI-R), Hebrew
University of Jerusalem, Jerusalem, Israel.
2015- Associate editor for Autism, leading international autism journal.
Research Grants (within the past five years)
2017 Israel Science Foundation: A developmental perspective on gender issues
in autism spectrum disorder (ASD). Four-year grant.
List of Publications (within the past five years)
Books & Edited Books
Shulman, C. (2016). Research and practice in infant and early childhood mental health. Switzerland: Springer International Publishing. (11 chapters; 226 pages).
Chapters in Collections
Shulman, C. (2018). Informal assessment. In Encyclopedia of Autism Spectrum Disorders (pp. 1608-1613). Springer New York: Springer Publications.
Bar-Nir, A., Ohlstein, I., & Shulman, C. (2017). Students with learning disabilities show the way to success. In S. Reiter, I. Kupferberg, & I. Gilat (Eds.). Contemporary issues in the inclusion of children and adults with special needs in Israel (pp. 60-82). Tel Aviv: Machon Mofet.
Shulman, C. & Shahar, M. (2015). Inclusion of individuals with autism spectrum disorders in community settings. In M. Hovav, I. Duvdevany, & C. Feldman (Eds.). From exclusion to inclusion: Life in the community for people with disabilities in Israel (pp. 117-151). Jerusalem: Carmel Publishing.
Journal Articles
Goldman, K. J., Burack, J. A., & Shulman, C. (2016). Learning from facial expressions of emotion in individuals with Williams syndrome. Journal of Intellectual Disability Research, 60(10), 982-992.
Pinchover, S. & Shulman, C. (2016). “You’re playing because it’s fun”? Mothers’ and teachers’ perspectives regarding play interactions with children with ASD. Journal of Developmental and Physical Disabilities, 1-22.
Pinchover, S., Shulman, C., & Bundy, A. (2016). A comparison of playfulness of young children with and without autism spectrum disorder in interactions with their mothers and teachers. Early Child Development and Care, 1-14.
Goldman, K. J., Shulman, C., Bar-Haim, Y., Abend, R., & Burack, J. A. (2017). Attention allocation to facial expressions of emotion among persons with Williams and Down syndromes. Development and Psychopathology, 29(4), 1189-1197.
Goldman, K. J., Shulman, C., & Burack, J. A. (2018). Inference from facial expressions among adolescents and young adults with Down Syndrome. American Journal on Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities, 123(4), 344-358.
Pinchover, S., & Shulman, C. (2018). Behavioural problems and playfulness of young children with ASD: the moderating role of a teacher’s emotional availability. Early Child Development and Care, 1-13.
Sher-Censor, E., Shulman, C., & Cohen, E. (2018). Associations among mothers’ representations of their relationship with their toddlers, maternal parenting stress, and toddlers’ internalizing and externalizing behaviors. Infant Behavior and Development, 50, 132-139.
Bölte, S., Mahdi, S., de Vries, P. J., Granlund, M., Robison, J. E., Shulman, C., ... & Segerer, W. (2019).
The Gestalt of functioning in autism spectrum disorder: Results of the international conference to develop final consensus International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health core sets. Autism, 23(2), 449-467.
Cohen, E., & Shulman, C. (2019). Mothers and toddlers exposed to political violence: Severity of exposure, emotional availability, parenting stress, and toddlers’ behavior problems. Journal of Child & Adolescent Trauma, 12(1), 131-140.
Feldman, I., Koller, J., Lebowitz, E., Shulman, C., Itzchak, E. B., & Zachor, D. A. (2019). Family accommodation in autism spectrum disorder. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 49(9), 3602-3610.
Serur, Y. Frumer, D., Daon, K., Sobol-Havia, D., Weinberger, R., Shulman, C., & Gothelf, D. (2019). Psychiatric disorders and autism in young children with 22q11.2 deletion syndrome compared to children with idiopathic autism. European Psychiatry, 55, 116-121.
Dinstein, I., Arazi, A., Golan, H. M., Koller, J., Elliott, E., Gozes, I., Shulman, C., ... & Meiri, G. (2020). The National Autism Database of Israel: a resource for studying autism risk factors, biomarkers, outcome measures, and treatment efficacy. Journal of Molecular Neuroscience, 70(9), 1303-1312.
Shulman, C., Esler, A. C, Morrier, M. C, & Rice, C. C (2020). Diagnosis of autism spectrum disorder (ASD) across the lifespan. Psychiatric Clinics of North America. 43(4), 583-604.
Shulman, C., Rice, C. E. C, Morrier, M. J. C, & Esler, A.C (2020). The role of diagnostic instruments in dual and differential diagnosis in autism spectrum disorder across the lifespan. Psychiatric Clinics, 43(4), 605-628