
אנה לוסיה גוטיארז גונזלס

גב' אנה לוסיה גוטיארז גונזלס

נושא המחקר: הגירה מנקודת מבט מגדרית, מהגרות פרואניות וקולומביאניות, מהגרים בעלי הכשרה מקצועית והנרטיב של מהגרים.
אנה נולדה וגדלה בפרו, ומתגוררת בישראל משנת 2020. בעלת תואר B.A בתקשורת מאוניברסיטת סן מרטין דה פורס (San Martin de Porres University) בפרו, וכן בעלת תואר M.A בפתרון וגישור סכסוכים מאוניברסיטת תל אביב בישראל. מיומנויותיה המקצועיות כוללות ניהול בענף המדיה החברתית, לימודי השכלה גבוהה, תקשורת אסטרטגית, מניעה ויישוב סכסוכים, יצירת פודקסטים ועשייה בתחום משאבי האנוש וגיוס עובדים בענפים רבים, דוגמת חינוך וארגונים ללא מטרות רווח.

פרופ' דניאל גוטליב

Prof. Daniel Gottlieb
פרופ' עמית


קרא עוד



Gottlieb Daniel


E-mail: daniel.gottlieb52@gmail.com

Higher Education                

Postdoctoral Studies (instead of)                                International Monetary Fund (2 years)

Economics, Hebrew University, Israel                       Ph.D.

Economics, London School of Economics, UK         M.Sc.

Economics, University of Zuerich, Switzerland        Lic. Oec. Publ. (B.A./M.A)


Awards and Excellence Scholarships (Within the Past Five Years)


Not applicable


Appointments at the Hebrew University            

Associate Professor,   Social Work, Hebrew University, Israel (2015 – present)

Senior Lecturer,          Social Work, Hebrew University, Israel (2011 – 2015)

Economics, Ben-Gurion University, Israel (2003 - 2008)

Lecturer, Economics, Hebrew University, Israel (

                                    Tel Aviv University, Israel


Additional Functions (Within the Past Five Years)

Deputy Director General for Research and Planning, National Insurance Institute (since 2008)

Senior Adviser to Governors of the Bank of Israel (from 1995 to 2008)

Head of NII committee for the Fund for Special Enterprises (קרן מפעלים מיוחדים, last 12 years)

Head of NII committee for the Fund for Social Research in Israel (מפעלים מיוחדים, last 12 years)

Head of NII committee for confidential data transfer between public bodies (last 12 years)

Head of NII committee on policy changes                                                     (2016-2018)


Research Grants (Within the Past Five Years)

Not applicable








List of Publication (Within the Past Five Years)


Books & Edited Books

Astor, R.A., & Benbenishty, R. (2019). Bullying, school violence, and climate in evolving contexts: Culture, organization and time.  New York: Oxford University Press.


Chapters in Collections

Gottlieb D. and Netanela Barkali, Chapter 1 in the Annual Report, National Insurance Institute, 2015, Social Policy and Trends in the Development of Social Benefits, National Insurance Institute.

Gottlieb D., Chapter 1 in the Annual Report, National Insurance Institute, 2016, Universal Basic Income, Risk or Opportunity, National Insurance Institute, 3-66.

Gottlieb D., Chapter 1 in the Annual Report, National Insurance Institute, 2017, Social Security, Policy Proposals, National Insurance Institute, 3-76, available from the author.


Journal Articles

Gottlieb Daniel and Esther Toledano, 2015, Part-Time Employees and Extended Unemployment, 2000-2011, National Insurance Institute, Working papers, No. 120, July, 1-19.

Gottlieb Daniel, “Social Benefit Policy during the Corona Crisis, 2020, October, Society and Welfare, The Israeli Quarterly Journal of Social Work, forthcoming, 1-4.

Gottlieb Daniel, “Take Up of Social Rights in Israel, Empirical Evidence,” Social Security, October, 2020, forthcoming, 6-34.

Gottlieb Daniel, 2015, " The multidimensional adequacy of social insurance benefits and insurability," International Social Security Review, Vol. 68, 3/2015, 69-97.

Gottlieb Daniel, 2019, “Saving For Every Child Program: Implications for inequality, and policy alternatives,” National Insurance Institute, Working papers, No. 130, July, 1-26.

Gottlieb Daniel, ed., 2017, “Commission Report, Policy Proposals for the Enhancement of Social Security, Commission Report, National Insurance Institute, July, 1-16.

Gottlieb Daniel, Eytan Sheshinsky et al., 2017, “On the relationship between Longevity and Income, Israel Democracy Institute and National Insurance Institute, Research Report, December, 1-16.

Gottlieb Daniel, Eytan Sheshinsky et al., 2018, “Realization of Pension Savings after Retirement: Implications of the Association between Longevity and Income, Israel Democracy Institute and National Insurance Institute, Research Report, December, 1-26.

Gottlieb Daniel, Michal Grinstein-Weiss, et al., 2019, “Enrollment and participation in a universal child savings program: Evidence from the rollout of Israel's National Program”, Children and Youth Services Review, 225-238.

Gottlieb Daniel, Netanela Barkali et al., 2016, “Equivalence scales and Poverty Measurement in Israel, 1968-2013”, Working Papers, National Insurance Institute, 1-40.

Gottlieb Daniel, Simon Brimblecombe and Ian Orton, 2015, “Introduction: Proceedings of the ISSA 2014 International Research Conference”, International Social Security Review, Vol. 68, 3/2015, 1-13.




קראו פחות

פרופ' ג'וני גל

Prof. John Gal
פרופ' מן המניין
מחזיק בקתדרה Centraide - L. Jacques Menard Chair In Social Work For The Study Of Volunteer And Nonprofit Organizations


קרא עוד


John Gal

E-mail: john.gal@mail.huji.ac.il


Higher Education

1996-1997 Postdoctoral Studies (London School of Economics)

1990-1996 Ph.D., (Hebrew University)

1984-1989 M.A. (Tel Aviv University)

1980-1984 B.A., (Tel Aviv University)


Awards and Excellence Scholarships (Within the Past Five Years)

Ministry of Welfare Award for Outstanding Contribution to Social Work and the Welfare State, 2019

Centreid - L. Jacque Menard Chair in Social Work for the Study of Volunteer and Nonprofit Organizations, 2015

Visiting Scholar, Silver School of Social Work, New York University, 2014-2015

ESPAnet Prize for an Outstanding Contribution to Social Policy Research, 2014


Appointments at the Hebrew University

2010 Full Professor

2006 - 2010 Associate Professor

2001 - 2006 Senior Lecturer

1997 - 2001 Lecturer


Additional Functions (Within the Past Five Years)

Joint Head of the Center for Social Work and Employment, Baerwald School of Social Work and Social Welfare, Hebrew University of Jerusalem

Principal Researcher and Welfare Policy Chair, Taub Center for Social Policy Studies in Israel

Associate Editor, International Journal of Social Welfare

Joint Series Editor, Research in Social Work, Policy Press and European Social Work Research Association

Chair of the Full Professor Promotion Committee in the Humanities and Social Sciences, Hebrew University


Research Grants (Within the Past Five Years)

2019-2020 NII “ Passport Benefits in Israel”, Momi Dahan, Avishai Benish, Roni Holler, $60, 300.

2017-2018 NII “Active take-up”, Mimi Ajzenstadt, Avishai Benish, Roni Holler, $35,000.

2017-2019 GIF “ The transnational history of social work between Germany and Israel in the 1930s and 1940s”, Stefan Kongeter, €150,000.

2014-2016 Davis Institute "Gender, civil society and welfare in international comparative perspective", Michal Almog-Bar, $15,000.

2013-2015 IASSW "When Academia and Policy Meet", $5000.

2014-2016 ISF "When Knowledge, Social Work and Social Policy Meet", Idit Weiss-Gal, $40,000.

2013-2016 EU FP7 “European Citizenship”, David Levi Faur, EUR 100,000.


List of Publication (Within the Past Five Years)


Books & Edited Books

Gal, J. and Holler, R. (eds.). (2019). 'Justice instead of charity': Chapters in the Development of Social Work in Israel. Beer Sheva: Ben Gurion Institute.

Gal, J. and Benish, A. (eds). (2018). For the welfare state: Selected essays by Abraham Doron. Tel Aviv: Resling. (Hebrew)

Gal, J. and Weiss-Gal, I. (eds.). (2017). Where academia and policy meet. Bristol: Policy Press.


Chapters in Collections

Shavit, Y., Friedman, Y., Gal, J. & Vaknin, D. (2019). Poverty in early childhood and inequality in education. In H. Ayalon, N. Blass, Y. Feniger & Y. Shavit (eds), Educational Inequality in Israel: From Research to Policy. Jerusalem: Taub Center for Social Policy Studies in Israel.

Gal, J. and Bleikh, H. (2019). The welfare system: An overview. In A. Weiss (ed.), The State of the Nation Report 2019. Jerusalem: Taub Center for Social Policy Studies in Israel.

Weiss-Gal, I. & Gal, J. (2019). Social work academia and social policy in Israel. In Klammer. U., Leiber, S. & Leitner, S. (eds), Social Work and the Making of Social Policy. Bristol: Policy Press.

Avnir, Y. & Gal, J. (2019). Settlement Houses and the origins of social work in Mandatory Palestine. In Gal, J. and Holler, R. (eds.), 'Justice Instead of Charity': Chapters in the Development of Social Work in Israel. Beer Sheva: Ben Gurion Institute.

Holler, R. & Gal, J. (2019). Introduction: Exploring the history of social work in Israel. In Gal, J. and Holler, R. (eds.), 'Justice Instead of Charity': Chapters in the Development of Social Work in Israel. Beer Sheva: Ben Gurion Institute.

Jawad, R. & Gal, J. (2019). The Middle East. In B. Greve (ed), The Routledge Handbook of the Welfare State. (Second Edition). London: Routledge.

Gal, J. and Madhala, S. (2018). The social welfare system: An overview. In A. Weiss (ed.), The State of the Nation Report 2018. Jerusalem: Taub Center for Social Policy Studies in Israel.

Luppi, M. Oomkens, R. & Gal. J. (2018). Precarious migrant care workers in Italy, Israel and the UK. In T. Knijn & M. Naldini (eds.), Gender and Generational Division in EU Citizenship. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar.

Shalev, M. & Gal, J. (2018). Bullets and benefits in the Israeli welfare state. In Herbert Obinger, Klaus Petersen & Peter Starke (eds), Warfare and Welfare. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Gal, J. (2018). The historical development of the welfare state in Israel. In J. Gal & A. Benish (eds), For the Welfare State: Selected Essays by Abraham Doron. Tel Aviv: Resling.

Gal, J., Madhala, S. and Bleikh, H. (2017). Social service budgeting in local authorities. In A. Weiss (ed.), The State of the Nation Report 2017. Jerusalem: Taub Center for Social Policy Studies in Israel.

Gal, J. and Madhala, S. (2017). Developments in Israeli social welfare policy. In A. Weiss (ed.), The State of the Nation Report 2017. Jerusalem: Taub Center for Social Policy Studies in Israel.

Gal, J. (2017). The Israeli Welfare State System: With Special Reference to Social Inclusion. In C. Aspalter (ed.), The Routledge International Handbook to Welfare State Systems. London: Routledge.

Weiss-Gal, I. and Gal, J. (2017). Conclusion. In J. Gal and I. Weiss-Gal, (eds.), Where Academia and Policy Meet. Bristol: Policy Press.

Weiss-Gal, I. and Gal, J. (2017). Where academia and policy meet in Israel. In J. Gal and I. Weiss-Gal, (eds.), Where Academia and Policy Meet. Bristol: Policy Press.

Gal, J. and Weiss-Gal, I. (2017). Where academia and policy meet: An introduction. In J. Gal and I. Weiss-Gal, (eds.), Where Academia and Policy Meet. Bristol: Policy Press.

Madhala-Brik, S. and Gal, J. (2016). The outsourcing of welfare services: Trends and changes. In A. Weiss, (eds.), The State of the Nation Report 2016. Jerusalem: Taub Center for Social Policy Studies in Israel.

Gal, J. and Madhala-Brik, S. (2016). Public spending on social welfare. In A. Weiss, (eds.), The State of the Nation Report 2016. Jerusalem: Taub Center for Social Policy Studies in Israel.

Gal, J. & Madhala-Brik, S. (2015). Social welfare expenditure. In D. Chernichovsky, D. & A. Weiss, (eds.), The State of the Nation Report 2015. Jerusalem: Taub Center for Social Policy Studies in Israel.


Journal Articles

Gal, J. & Weiss-Gal, I. (2020). Social workers and the policy process: When does opportunity knock? Journal of Policy Practice and Research, 1, 6-22.

Weiss-Gal, I., Gal, J., Schwartz-Tayri, T., Gewirtz-Meydan, A. & Sommerfeld, D. (2020). Social workers' policy practice in Israel: Internal, indirect, informal and role contingent. European Journal of Social Work, 23(2), 203-214.

Weiss-Gal, I. & Gal, J. (2020). Explaining the policy practice of community social workers. Journal of Social Work, 20:2, 216-233.

Weiss-Gal, I. & Gal, J. (2019). Social work educators and social policy: A cross-professional perspective. European Journal of Social Work, 22:1, 145-157.

Elmaliach-Mankita, H., Weiss-Gal, I. & Gal, J. (2019). Preparing Social Workers to Affect Policy: The Parliament as a Venue for Training. Social Work Education, 38:4, 530-54.123. 124. 125.

Lightfoot, L., Gal, J. & Weiss-Gal, I. (2018). Social policy in social work doctoral programs in the United States. Research on Social Work Practice, 28:3, 234-242.

Weiss-Gal, I. & Gal, J. (2017). Academia, social work and social policy: What can we learn from faculty engaged in social policy formulation? Social Security,10, 85-118 (Hebrew).

Weiss-Gal, I, Gal, J. & Schwartz-Tayri, T. M. (2017). Teacher, researcher and…policy actor? Social work academics' involvement in social policy. Social Policy and Administration, 51:5, 776-795.

Keidar, E. & Gal, J. (2017). The policy process of formulating adjusted minimum wage policy: Israel as a case study, Social Security, 102 (Hebrew),

Gal, J. & Kongeter, S. (2016). Exploring the transnational translation of ideas: German social work education in Palestine in the 1930s and 1940s. Transnational Social Review, 6:3, 262-279.

Gewirtz-Meidany, A., Weiss-Gal, I. & Gal, J. (2016). Social workers' policy practice in nonprofit human service organizations in Israel. British Journal of Social Work, 46, 1890–1908.

Gal, J. & Weiss-Gal, I. (2015). The “why” and the “how” of policy practice: An eight country comparison. British Journal of Social Work, 45:4, 1083-1101.

Almog-Bar, M., Weiss-Gal, I. & Gal, J. (2015). Bringing public policy into policy practice. Journal of Social Work, 15(4), 390-408.

Ajzenstadt, M. & Gal, J. (2015). Social work and the construction of poverty in Palestine in the 1930s. Qualitative Social Work, 14, 154-169.

קראו פחות
יסכה גלושטיין

גב' יסכה גלושטיין

נושא המחקר: פיתוח כלי ותיקופו אשר ימדוד ויבחן את התפיסה העצמית של הילד את עצמו ואת המסרים אשר מקבל מהוריו לגבי הערך העצמי שלו, בנוסף לקשרים בין התנהגויות הוריות לבין הבדלים בינאישיים בתפיסת העצמיות של הילד, מעל ומעבר להיקשרות בטוחה.