

פרופ' אהרון רוזן

Prof. Aaron Rosen


קרא עוד
Academic Profile: 

Ph.D. 1963, Univ. of Michigan; Assoc. Prof. 1967; Prof. 1970; The Zena Harman Professor Emeritus of Social Work, the Paul Baerwald School of Social Work, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israe 1996.


Research Interests:

Systematic Planned Practice (SPP) and clinical decision making

 Formulation of Practice Guidelines for Social Work

 Implementation of Evidence-Based Practice (EBP) by social workers.

Research Projects:
Utilization of research and theory by practitioners: barriers and facilitating factors.

Interventive strategies and outcomes in direct practice: components and evaluation. Funding: The Warburg Fund for Research and Innovation in Social Work Practice.

Social workers' strategies for testing clinical hypotheses.

Targets of change and interventive methods in social work: An empirically based prototype for developing practice guidelines.


Abstracts of Current Research :

Targets of change and interventive methods in social work:An empirically based prototype for developing practice guidelines: Empirically-based practice guidelines for social work intervention are needed. Practice guidelines must include two fundamental components: (1) a classification of the targets (outcomes) of intervention; and (2) for each of the targets, an array of alternative interventions from which to select the nest fit. The research is based on the outcomes and interventions that were investigated in published social work studies of effectiveness over the past several years. Both theoretical and empirical procedures will be utilized to classify outcomes into target categories and derive the intervention alternatives whose effectiveness was assessed in relation to the outcomes. The classifications to be obtained will be used as a prototype for further development and testing of practice guidelines.


Recent Publications:

Zeira, A. & Rosen, A. (2000).  Unraveling “tacit knowledge”: What social workers do and why they do it. Social Service Review74, 103-123. 

Rosen, A., & Proctor, E. K. (2002). Standards for evidence-based practice: The role of replicable and appropriate interventions, outcomes, and practice guidelines. In A. R. Roberts & G. J. Greene (Eds.), Social Workers’ Desk Reference (SWDR) (pp. 743-747). New York: OxfordUniversity Press.

Osmo, R., & Rosen, A. (2002). Social workers’ strategies for treatment hypothesis testing. Social Work Research26, 9-18.   

Proctor, E. K., Rosen, A., & Rhee, C. W. (2002). Outcomes in social work practice. Journal of Social Work Research and Evaluation, 3 (No. 2), 1-17. 

Rosen, A. & Proctor, E. K. (Eds.) (2003). Developing Practice Guidelines for Social Work Interventions: Issues, Methods, and Research Agenda. New York: ColumbiaUniversityPress. 

Proctor, E. K., & Rosen, A. (2003). The structure and function of social work practice guidelines, in A. Rosen & E. K. Proctor (Eds.), Developing Practice Guidelines for Social Work Interventions: Issues, Methods, and research agenda(pp. 108 - 127). New York: ColumbiaUniversityPress. 

Proctor, E.  K., & Rosen, A. (2003).  Advancing the development of social work practice guidelines, in A. Rosen & E. K. Proctor (Eds.), Developing Practice Guidelines for Social Work Interventions: Issues, Methods, and research agenda(pp. 271- 289). New York: ColumbiaUniversityPress. 

Rosen, A., & Proctor, E. K. (2003). Practice guidelines and meeting the challenge of effective practice, in A. Rosen & E. K. Proctor (Eds.), Developing Practice Guidelines for Social Work Interventions: Issues, Methods, and research agenda (pp. 1 - 14). New York: ColumbiaUniversityPress.

Rosen, A., Proctor, E. K., & Staudt, M. (2003). Targets of change and interventions in social work: An empirically based prototype for developing practice guidelines. Research on Social Work Practice13, 208-233.  

Rosen, A. (2003). Evidence-based social work practice: Challenges and promise. Social Work Research27, 197-208.  

Proctor, E. K., & Rosen, A. (2004). Concise standards for developing evidence-based practice guidelines. In A. R. Roberts and K. R. Yeager (Eds.) Evidence-Based Practice Manual: Research and Outcome Measures in Health and Human Services (pp.193-199). New York: OxfordUniversityPress.

Aaron Rosen's site at the Research and Development Authority


קראו פחות
מיקי רוזנטל

פרופ' מרים רוזנטל

Prof. Miriam Rosenthal


קרא עוד
Academic Profile: 

Ph.D. 1965, StanfordUniv.; Teaching Fellow (Sen. Lecturer) 1975; Sen. Teacher 1987; Assoc. Prof. 1991; Full Prof. 1994; Emeritus 2005


Research Interests:

 Child development in group-care settings: Focus on social and emotional development in the first three years of life. Toddlers' peer interaction and "concern for others" in a group setting.      Child rearing ideologies and child development ethno-theories in different cultural contexts.    Quality of Care for infants and toddlers: social policy and standards of care.


Research Projects:

Parents' and Educators' ideas, perceptions and definitions of "quality of care" in child care settings in different cultures.

Social and emotional development of young children in day-care: The effects of Caregivers' beliefs and behavior.

Abstracts of Current Research :
Parents' and Educators' ideas : Cultural differences in child rearing ideology as expressed in the developmental goals and practices of parents and educators in different cultural groups are examined through semi-structured interviews and a questionaire.

Peer interaction and emotional expression of young children:  :The hopes and anxieties concerning the development of children led researchers studying the effects of child care to focus on aspects of care which are associated with developmental outcomes in terms of achievement of competence or adjustment. The cognitive educational objectives of Early Childhood programs in most Western societies center on intellectual development and later school achievement. In this study, we examine the relationship between the beliefs and behavior of caregivers in Day Care with their children,  and these children's engagement in conflicts as well as in positive peer interaction. The effects of an intervention program which focuses on caregivers' attitudes and behaviors are examined.

Recent Publications:
1.  Rosenthal, M. K. (2000). Home to Early Childhood service: An ecological perspective. Childrens Issues, 4 (1), 7-15.

2.  Rosenthal, M. K., & Roer-Strier, D. (2001). Cultural differences in mothers' developmental goals and ethnotheories. International Journal of Psychology, 36 (1), 20-31.

3.  Roer-Strier, D., & Rosenthal, M. K. (2001). Socialization  in changing cultural contexts: Immigrant parents and their image of an “adaptive adult” : Consistency and change. Social Work, 46 (3), 215-228

4.  Rosenthal M. K. (2001). Child care for infants and toddlers in Israel: lessons from research. In P. Klein (Ed), Infants, parents and caregivers: Research on child development in Israel(pp.79-118). Tel Aviv: Reches (Hebrew).

5.  Rosenthal, M. K. (2001). Child care and early education in Israel. In K. Petrogiannis, & E. C. Melhuish (Eds), International perspectives on early years education and  care, ( 23 ms pages). AthensGreece: Kastaniotis. (Greek)

6.  Roer-Strier, D., & Rosenthal, M. K. (2001). Cultural transition: Effects on parenting and socialization. In M. Lisak & E. Leshem (Eds), From Russiato Israel: Cultural transition and identity, ( 23 ms pages). Tel Aviv: HaKibbutz HaMeuhad, Kav Adom (Hebrew).

7.  Rosenthal, M. K. (2001) Early Childhood Education in Israel: Policy, practice and curriculum.  In Sollars, V. Curricula, Policies and Practices in Early Childhood Education (pp. 134-137).  Malta:P.E.G. Ltd., San Gwann

8.  Rosenthal, M. K. (2001) Quality in early childhood education. In Sollars, V. Curricula, Policies and Practices in Early Childhood Education. Malta:P.E.G. Ltd., San Gwann

9.  Rosenthal, M. K. (2003) Family day care in Israel: Policy, Quality and daily experiences of children. In A. Mooney, J. Statham & D.C. Farm (Eds.), International perspectives on policy, practice and quality (pp. 93 – 110).  London: Jesssica Kingsley Publishers

10.     Rosenthal, M. K. (2003). Quality in early childhood education and care: A cultural context. European Early Childhood Education Research Journal (EECERJ),11(2), 101-116

11.     Roer-Strier, D., & Rosenthal, M. K. (2003). Socialization in Israel: Processes of change and preservation of child rearing goals. In E. Lshem & D. Roer-Strier (Eds.), Cultural differences: A challenge to human services.  Jerusalem: “Magnas”, HebrewUniversity(Hebrew)

12.     Rosenthal, M. K. & Roer-Strier, D. (In Press). What sort of an adult would you like your child to be? : Mothers’ developmental goals in different cultural communities in Israel. International Journal of Behavior Development.

13.     Rosenthal, M. K. (2006). Early Childhood Care and Education in Israel.  In E. Melhuish  & K.  Petrogiannis  (Eds) Early Childhood Care and  Education : International Perspectives.  London: Routledge.

רוזנטל, מ. (2004). מדיניות חברתית ואיכות חינוך-טיפול במסגרות לגיל הרך בישראל: נייר עמדה.

רוזנטל, מ. (2005). הוועדה המייעצת לרישוי ופיתוח סטנדרטים למסגרות-יום חינוכיות לגיל הרך (0-4). דו"ח ביניים.  משרד התעשייה, המסחר והתעסוקה.

רוזנטל, מ. (2006). סטנדרטים להפעלת מעונות יום לגיל הרך.  משרד התעשייה, המסחר והתעסוקה.


M. Rosenthal's site at the Research and Development Authority


קראו פחות

פרופ' יונה רוזנפלד ז"ל

Prof. Jona Rosenfeld


קרא עוד
Academic Profile: 

Certificate in Soc. Science, 1947, Certificate in Mental Health, 1948, LondonSchoolof Economics;

BA 1954 Sociology/Education, HebrewUniversity; Ph.D. 1962, Univ.of Chicago;

Sen. Teacher 1961; Sen. Lect. 1967; Assoc. Prof. 1973; Prof. 1986; Emeritus 1991.


Research Interests:

Social work practice: Partnership with families and service organizations

 Extreme poverty and the Fourth WorldMovement

Children living in neglect and their families.

Learning from Success as a mode of identifying professional practices and organizational structures which are user-friendly 
Nurses in Maternity and ChildCentersand their contribution to "good enough" parenting.  How to Introduce Ongoing Learning into Schools:  A Program with the Ministry of Education in 55 High Schools

Research Projects:

"Evaluating the Impact of Organizational Learning and Knowledge Management on Social Service Effectiveness"withUniversityof North Carolina, Chapel Hill.

"Learning from Success:  Transforming Schools into Learning Organizations" with the Ministry of Education.


Abstracts of Current Research :
Learning from success: impact of user-friendly practices in the area of child and family services on policy and organizational structures. The first phase of this project is based on multiple descriptive studies of effective modes of practice offered to erstwhile inaptly served families with children. The next phase is to document practices which have been identified as effective and user-friendly with a view of disseminating them as well as deriving from them policies and organizational structures needed to fashion practice-friendly organizations.

How to Turn "Learning from Success" into a Leverage for the Development of School Learning.  Evaluation of the Program.  Development of three interrelated methods

1.     retrospective: learning from success

2.       ongoing: learning on how schools learn

3.       prospective: posing and developing practices related to learning questions

Evaluating the Impact of Organizational Learning and Knowledge Management on Social Service Effectiveness.  The focus is on developing assessment tools for learning – modes employed, in order to identify those which are favorable for ongoing learning and knowledge management in after-school programs in either or both North Carolinaand Israel


Recent Publications:

“Response to the Article: ‘The Routine of Work with Deeply Distressed Families in the Social Services:  Baselines for Professional Discussion” (with IsraelSykes), in Society and Welfare, vol. 22, No. 2, pp. 223-7, June 2002 (Hebrew).

Social Justice, its Expression and Realization in our Lives,” Hadea Harovahat, vol. 32, September 2002 (Hebrew).

From Patronization to Joint Learning:  The Way of Escaping Life in Poverty and Exclusion,” in Marathonof Responses and Suggestions for Changes in 2003 Economic Program, N. Zion(ed.), vol. 3, 2003 (Hebrew).

The Contribution of the Schoolof Social Workto the Delivery of Social Services that Contribute to their Users,” inAcademic Social Work Education in Israel:  Past, Present and Future, U. Aviram (ed.), Tel-Aviv:  Cherikover Publishers, 2003.

"Learning from Success:  The Retrospective Method" (with IsraelSykes).  Myers-JDC-Brookdale Institute, September 2004.

Jona Rosenfeld's site at the Research and Development Authority


קראו פחות

פרופ' מרדכי רוטנברג

Prof. Mordechai Rotenberg


קרא עוד
Academic Profile: 

Ph.D. 1969, Univ. of California, Berkeley; Lect. 1970; Sen. Lect. 1974; Assoc. Prof. 1980; Prof. 1988.


Research Interests:

Developing psycho-social applications according to kabbalistic paradigm of tzimtzum (contraction) as any interdisciplinary framework and basis for the comparative study of psychology and religion.


Research Projects:

The study of the psycho-social foundations of Hasidic Kabbalism.

Cabalic sexuality and creativity.


Abstracts of Current Research :

The study of the psycho-social foundations of Hasidic Kabbalism:Research has focused on the re-biographic time perception inherent in Midrashic narrativism, on the psychological bridge between rationalism and mysticism available in the PaRDeS and on the dialogic system regulating the yetzer-yetzira continuum.

Cabalic sexuality and creativity:The guiding assumption of my current research begins from the observation that Western campaigns for expressing sexuality (e.g., homosexuality) and repressing sexuality (e.g., harassment) are largely identical in their assertive-aggressive behavior patterns. A thesis is presented according to which the erotic creation myth (cosmogony) of emanation may have exerted paradigmatic impacts on the Western "phallic-erective" style of sexuality, creativity, and assertive-aggressive ("aggressertive") communication patterns. The cabalic erotic cosmogony of contraction (tzimtzum) is then introduced as an alternative paradigm for sexuality, creativity, and communication that comprises the following components: (a) Creation, procreation, and creativity begin from an act of self-contraction to evacuate space for a union with another creative partner. (b) The sequential notion of yetzer (sexual desire) leading to yetzira (spiritual creativity) is possible via a transformational process that includes the ecstatic experience of a spiritual orgasm (devekut). The Midrashic-cabalic exercise of recombining letters for reaching ecstatic devekut is portrayed as archetypical conditioning mantra for therapeutic rebiographing. Illustrative clinical applications for promoting sexual equality and for treating impotency are briefly discussed.

Key Words:

Tzimtzum; sexuality and Judaism


Recent Publications:

Rotenberg, M. (1995) Pardes and PaRDeS: Towards a psychotherapeutic theory. IsraelJournal of Psychiatry and Related Sciences, 31(3): 162-169.

Rotenberg, M. (1995) Cabalic sexuality and creativity. International Journal for the Psychology of Religion, 5(4): 225-244.

Rotenberg, M. (1996) Embrace and stroking: comments on the response of Emmanuel Levins. Science of Judaism, 36 (Hebrew).

Rotenberg, M. (1997) The Yetzer: A Kabbalistic Psychology of Eroticism and Human Sexuality. Northvale: Jason Aronson. Second printing 1999.

Rotenberg, M. 1997 Jewish Psychology and Hasidism. University on the Air, Ministry of Defence. Second Printing 1998 (Hebrew)

Rotenberg, M. (in press) Psychology and Judaism. Invited Essay for the Millennial Encyclopedia of Judaism. Leiden, the Netherlaqnds: E.J. Brill and New YorkContinuum Press

M. Rotenberg's site at the Research and Development Authority


קראו פחות

פרופ' תמר רפופורט

Prof. Tamar Rapoport


קרא עוד
Academic Profile: 

Ph.D. 1981, HebrewUniv.; Lect. 1985; Sen. Lect. 1990; Assoc. Prof. 1998. Prof. 2004.


Research Interests:

Sociology of youth; Sociology of knowledge; Gender socialization. Immigration – Russian Jewish immigrants.


Research Projects:

Immigration of Russian Jewish students to Jerusalemand Berlin; The expected and unexpected consequences of the Fulbright  program; "Motherhood Literacy" of Palestinian Women in Um-Tuba 


Recent Publications:

A: artilces

Lomsky-Feder, E. , Rapoport, T.  (2000). “Visit, separation and deconstructing nostalgia: Jewish-Russian students travel to their homeland”. Journal of  Contemporary Ethnography, 29 (1): 32-58.

Appears in Hebrew: (elaborated version)

Lomsky-Feder, E., Rapoport, T. (1999). “Separation via visit: Russian students travel to their homeland”. B’amichlala: Qualitative Research in Education, 11: 93-120.

Rapoport, T., Lomsky-Feder, E. (2001). “Reflections on strangeness: The case of Russian-Jewish immigrants in the kibbutz”. Qualitative Sociology, 24 (4): 483-507.

Lomsky-Feder, E., Rapoport, T. (2001). “Homecoming, immigration and the national ethos: Russian-Jewish homecomers reading zionism”. Anthropological Quarterly, 74 (1): 1-14.

Appears in Hebrew: (an abridged version)

Lomsky-Feder, E., Rapoport, T. (2000). “To leave or to stay? – Immigrants challenge the national ethos”. Megamot, 40 (4): 571-590.

Rapoport, T., Lomsky-Feder, E., Heider, A. (2002). “Recollection 

and relocation in immigration: Russian-Jewish immigrants “normalize” their anti-Semitic experiences”. Symbolic Interaction, 25:2, 175-198.

Rapoport, T., Lomsky-Feder, E. (2002). “Intelligentsia” as an ethnic habitus: The inculcation and restructuring of Intelligentsia among Russian Jews. 

British Journal of Sociology of Education, 23 (2): 233-248.

Lomsky-Feder, E., Rapoport, T. (2002). “Juggling models of  masculinity: Russian-Jewish immigrants in the Israeli army”. Sociological Inquiry, 73 (1): 114-137. 

Appears in Hebrew: (elborated version)

Lomsky-Feder, E., Rapoport, T. (2001). “Juggling models of     masculinity: Russian-Jewish immigrants in the Israeli army”. Israeli Sociology, 3 (1): 31-51.  

Erdreich, L., Rapoport, T. (2002). “ Elaborating ethnonational awareness via academic literacy: Palestinian Israeli women at the university”. Anthropology and Education Quarterly, 33 (4): 492-515.

Lomsky-Feder, E., Rapoport, T. (2002). “Seeking a place to stay: Representation of bounded movement among Russian-Jewish homecomers”.  Ethos, 30 (3): 227-248.

Sasson-Levi, O., Rapoport, T. (2003). “Body, gender and knowledge in protest movements” Gender and  Society, 17 (3): 379-403.

Appears in Hebrew: (translation)

Sasson-Levi, O., Rapoport, T. (2002). “Body and knowledge in social movements” Megamot, 41 (4): 489-514.

Rapoport T. , Book Review (forthcoming).  “Simulated dreams: Israeli youth and virtual zionism”,  by Haim Hazan. New York: Berghahn Books, 2001. Pp. 116. American Journal of Sociology. B. Chapters in books (since 2000)


Rapoport, T. (2000). “The many voices of Israeli youth: Multiple interpretations of  Rabin’s assassination”. In Y. Peri  (ed.), The Assassination  of Yitzhak Rabin, pp. 197-226. Stanford: Stanford California Press.

Heider, A. Rapoport, T. (1999). “Die ‘Normalisierung’ Antisemitscher Erfahrungen: Junge Russisch-Juedische Migranten Ihre Kindheit in der  Sowjetunion.” In W. Benz (ed.), Jahrbuch fuer Antisemitismus-forschung  8,  pp. 82-106.Berlin: Technical University. (in German).


Schuetze, Y., Rapoport, T. , (2000). “We are similar by the fact we are different: Social relations among young, Russian-Jewish emigrants in Israeland Germany”.  In R. Breckner, D. Kalekin-Fishman, I.Miehte. (eds.), Biographies and the division of Europe, pp. 249-267. Leverkusen: Leske and Budrich.


Yanay, N., Rapoport, T. (2001). “Ritual impurity and nationality: The female body as a text”. In Y. Atzmon (ed.), Will you listen to my voice?: Representations of women in Israeli culture, pp. 213-224. Tel-Aviv: H’kibbutz H’meuchad. (in Hebrew).

Rapoport, T. , El-Or, T.,  Halbertal, T.  (2002). “Apples from the  desert”: Literature teachers reading through and beyond local culture”. In M. Zellermayer and P. Peri (eds.), Teacher’s voice, pp. 115-137 . Tel-Aviv: Levinsky Teachers College. (in Hebrew). 


Rapoport, T., Lomsky-Feder, E. (2003) “A stranger at home: Jewish-Russian students in the Kibbutz”. In E. Leshem and D. Roer-Strier (eds.), Cultural diversity: A challenge to human services, pp.139-162. Jerusalem: Magnes (in Hebrew).

Lomsky  Feder, E., Rapoport T. (forthcoming) “Visit, separation, and    deconstructing nostalgia -- Russian students travel to their old home” In: A.   Levy and A. Weingrod, (eds). Homelands and diasporas: Holy lands and other   places.Stanford University Press. 


Lomsky  Feder, E., Rapoport T., et al (forthcoming) “Speaking their language?: Identity, home and power relations in interviews with immigrants” In: M. H. Barreto Abraho. (ed.). The Autobiographic adventure – Theory and  practice.Brazil, Porto Alegre: Edipucrs.


קראו פחות

פרופ' קורי שולמן ברודי

Prof. Cory Shulman Brody
פרופ' מן המניין
חדר 505
תחומי מחקר עיקריים: אוטיזם: מסלולי התפתחות, קביעת אבחנה, הבדלים בין בנים ובנות, מצבים נלווים הורות: דחק הורי, מערכות יחסים הורה-ילד, מסוגלות הורית


ד"ר בתיה שושני

Dr. Batya Shoshani


קרא עוד
Academic Profile: 
D.S.W. 1983, Columbia University; Sen. Teacher 1992.

Research Interests:
Normaland pathological aspects of adolescent development. Youth in social institutions. Hermeneutic and narrative studies of life stories and case histories.

Research Projects:
Analysis of life stories of HIV-positive patients (with Esthel Rubinstein).

Effect of a sibling's death on development of adolsecents (with Michal Uzzielli).

Abstracts of Current Research :
Analysis of life stories of HIV-positive patients (with Estelle Rubinstein): In order to understand how HIV-positive patients deal with and adapt to life with this diagnosis, a method of hermeneutic case reconstruction is used to study the biographical meanings that they attribute to their HIV-positive status.

Effect of a sibling's death (with Michal Uzzielli): This study examines the effects of a sibling's death on the process of separation-individuation and on the concept of death.

 Batia Shoshani's site at the Research and Development Authority


קראו פחות